Lantern Festivities
Today in Seoul they celebrated the Lantern Festival. We caught an early train and went shopping around for a bit before we met up with friends. The majority of the day was spent in InsaDong where we finished the night watching a parade before we came back home. Insadong is a really nice spot, we had a traditional buddhist meal in a well hidden (and pricey restaurant). After the meal we went back to catch the parade which featured dancers, ajuma’s (little old ladies) children, floats, and your usual parade kind of stuff. Unfortunately, most of the pics did not come out too well (damnedable lack of anti-shack and good iso setting), but there are some which can be found in the photo album. It was a very nice time. I do wish however in retrospect that I had taken more time to visit the booths as there was just so much to see and do.
I am hoping to put together a big hike in June. If all goes well, it will be an overnighter. I am thinking right now that I will go to Jiri-san which is very tall, and challenging. So I’ve got to get back into shape. Me and K have an excercise machine in the apartment now so there will be no more nonsense with gym memberships, my schedule sadly does not allow for it. It’s hard to imagine but in 4 months or so I shall have punched a year, with the way things are going right now I think I could do one more (there’s still a lot I want to do and see on this side of the world)but who knows…. You should never too far ahead or dwell too long on what’s left behind.