Well I’m having one of those days where life in a foreign country gets you super pissed. I found out this week that my pension deductions are F***ed up so now I will have to get that straightened out, which I don’t think will happen easily, but we’ll see. I spent the better part of my Saturday trying to reserve space at the JungCheong Shelter in Seorak National Park. They have a website for foreigners to make reservations, but naturally it doesn’t work. So I took my better than average but still limited Korean Language skills and set up an account and tried to do everything through the Korean website. It didn’t quite work out as well as I was hoping so I’ll have to wait until Monday and get a coworkers help finalizing the reservation. I’m just killing time here now prior to watching Sweeny Todd. Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice relaxing day but we’ll see, there’ll be laundry and cleanup to do I suspect. Onto some better news; K isn’t a criminal so she’ll be back in the Country in less than a month! Needless to say I can’t wait, she has a job at a good school and is getting a great salary. I’m very happy for her (and selfishly for me).