DoneDoneDone and Done

DoneDoneDone and Done

I finished my CELTA last week! For those unfamiliar with the field of English Language teaching, the CELTA stands for Certificate of English Language Teaching for Adults. It’s internationally recognized and one of the better (if not one of the best) Tesol Certificates to have on your resume. I took the part time course, which lasted ten weeks and I must say, I cannot imagine how people complete these things in a month intensively. I’m pleased that I passed all my teaching practices and my assignments. My grade is currently ‘provisional’ because the results have to be sent to Cambridge University to be ratified which takes about a month. I’ll recieve my Certificate in January though.

Now that the course is finished I have to find a job. I’ve applied to five different universities in the Daejeon area. I did have an offer from one, but the man who offered it to me had to rescind his offer because his boss told him he has to hire a woman for the opening. I’m still waiting on word from the other schools, but in the meantime I’ve interviewed with a hagwon and I also have an EPIK interview today to work in a public school in Daejeon. The hagwon salary is really good, but the EPIK job has better hours and benefits. I’ve enjoyed my time off. This is the longest break I’ve had since about 2006 when I graduated, but it’s time to get back to work.

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