

God it’s good to relax! I’ve been home (Canada) for a few weeks now. I’ve two more weeks before I head back to Korea. Overall it’s been the good life, exciting days of shoveling the driveway, playing cards with my parents, sleeping in, the list goes on and on. I’ve also had a chance to rediscover my fondness for cooking. It’s something I haven’t had much chance to do in Korea due to the Kitchen size and lack oven, and a twelve hour work schedule for most of the year. While mom was out for a check up, i was hitting up the internet for recipes and making some decent meals for me and Dad.

I’m currently in the process of getting my documents organized for a new job that starts in March. If everything works out, next year I’ll be working at a public school in the EPIK program. It’ll be a nice change from working in the hagwon where I spent my last two years. Although I finished my last contract with them it wasn’t a happy year. I enjoyed my students and most of my co-workers, but there were other things (such is life sometimes). I am however pleased to say things ended positively with them and got a glowing reference from my supervisor. My school was also kind enough to help me out with my travel to Canada making this vacation possible. The time off has been really great, and I’m happy to be looking ahead to what should be a great year in the land of the morning calm.

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