Resolutions Report Card
Way back earlier in the year I set some personal goals to achieve for 2010, how did I do? Like almost every other person on the planet, I didn’t accomplish everything I set out to do. But overall all I’m pleased with the work I put in. And I can honestly say that not only did I accomplish some of my goals for 2010, but I made an honest to goodness effort on each of them.
I’ll be posting resolutions for 2011 after lunar new year. I’m still tinkering with this site and hoping to add more pages to it in the coming weeks. I’m pleased to have the Korean news feed and festival links up. And I’m really happy with the new look of the site but there’s still work to be done. Anyways, here’s the resolutions for 2010, completely with commentary.
1. Continue learning Korean (I must finish my pc programs and all my texts, this should be done before number 4).
I’ve made headway on Rosetta stone (now into Level 2) but unfortunately my texts remain largely ignored. My speaking has improved though as one of my placements doesn’t have anyone who can speak English very well. The result is that I’ve been getting a lot of practice twice a week all year. But since the books haven’t really been touched, I gotta say I flunked. Grade: F
2. Visit the remaining National parks that I haven’t yet seen.
I went to Odaesan which was the technically the last on my list. However, I still feel like it’s unfinished business. I have yet to put in a proper hike for Sobaeksan and Odaesan. Technically though, I’ve been to all of them! Grade: B
3. Get in shape (200 pounds again –> 170 pounds is where I’d like to be!!)
Not if my masters has anything to say about it! Currently tipping the scales at 196 pounds. Grade: F
4. Road trip (to be done on vacation – drive around the country on bike).
While road trip 2.0 wasn’t as good as the original… I had weather issues from the outset. Typhoon delayed Jeju by three days, and I canceled Goje-do on account of weather to head home a little early from Busan. That being said, I still got on the bike and had a marvelous time. Grade: A
5. Learn Gostop (Korean card game).
Learned by playing with a computer game on facebook & got my little sister addicted to it as well. K as well as my father were drove off their heads for a while. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! I HAD IT ALL ALONG!! OH YEAH!! Grade A+