Seasons May Change… Jobs May Change… But My Health Stays the Same

Spring is finally here in Korea. It’s been awhile so this will likely be a lengthy update. March was unusually cold and I’ve been unusually sick. I caught a cold in mid-March that somehow morphed into a nasty sinus infection with a nagging persistent cough. My co-workers suggested I take a sick day to rest but I want to save those days for later in the year. And as long as I could drink some hot water, I could make it through classes without throwing too much of a coughing fit. However the cough and the sinus infection just wouldn’t quit. So last week I finally broke down and saw a doctor who quickly prescribed 3 days worth of medicine. I went back on Friday still sick, so I got another check-up and another 3 days of medicine. I also picked up an LG ‘air washer’ / humidifier because I suspect my dusty dried out apartment isn’t helping. I woke up at about 3:30 this morning with a pounding headache, the cough however has been weakened by the doc’s prescription. So I had an early breakfast and broke out today’s batch of meds. Slept till noon and more meds. Headache aside, I finally feel like I’m turning the corner and starting to heal. The illness has slowed my progress on the current masters course but I’m still in good shape to keep my deadline on getting the next paper handed in.
In other news, K is in her third week of travels, so far she’s been to Greece, Italy, Spain, and now Portugal. She’s enjoying her vacation from three straight years of teaching. I’ve gotten postcards from two countries and I suspect two more are probably in the mail. I’m using the solitude to focus on my studies and work. Gizmo has been really well behaved and is currently perched on the window, looking out for magpies. I wish we had another cat as I think it’s a lonely life for him during the daytime with no-one around.
And finally onto the new job. One word. AWESOME! I’m a month in now and it’s been great! I really enjoy working with all my co-teachers, and so far we’ve really clicked well in our classes together. I had to go to a special event last night because my principal is now the President of the city’s chapter of the Alumni Association of one Korea’s Universities. The evening started with a saxophone performance followed by a dance performance, all courtesy of local Alumni. Finally the speeches. At one point I was singled out and asked to stand up. Then I sat down, and one of my co-teachers told me that he made a little joke about Alumni from Canada and then explained that actually I was the native speaker for his school. We went out for a nice meal afterwards. It’s shaping up to be a great year.