Category: Goals and Dreams

Long Time No Blog! (Again)

Long Time No Blog! (Again)

It’s been quite a while since I’ve blogged. There have been plenty of new things happening.

I’m No Longer Homeless! (Yay!)

After about six months the new apartment building is finally finished and I’ve moved out of the hotel. Apartments were all given out by seniority choice. I was in the bottom third of the list, yet I got the exact apartment I asked for. To be honest it was a surprise as I think it was the best layout available. A lot of the people with seniority opted for the 3 bedroom places, but the layouts and kitchens didn’t seem to be very good in those places. Seems to be a bit of buyers remorse amongst that crowd, though its hard to say because the longer people stay in the GCC, the more spoiled and entitled they seem to become.

The MA is Jason Vorhees and I’m a camper at Crystal Lake.

Working on my MA by distance has been much more difficult than I imagined it would be. I’m still on module 5, with a deadline to deal with in about two weeks. I compare the MA to a constant existential battle with myself. I say the MA is Jason Vorhees, because its always there, waiting for me in the shadows. I often describe doing a part time MA as going to work, then coming home and going back to work. The biggest challenge is maintains motivation over time. I still enjoy my job most days, but there’s been a growing discontent within me to do something else, I wish I could say that I had something in mind but I don’t, just a need for the unknown, for change.

TESOL Arabia

To be honest I was a little disappointed by the conference this year. With hindsight I’d have stayed in Doha and saved my money. That being said, Dubai is an amazing city and worth a longer visit.

I’m 37 years old. (WTF??!!)

Things to accomplish before I turn 38:
– finish that MA (despite all I wrote above I must finish what I started)
– complete a triathlon
– get out of debt

I’d like to add more to the list but I figure these are all good things to work on and they should all be accomplishable within the next year.