Category: Goals and Dreams



A departure from my usual life in Korea stuff…

Last summer, after 1.5 years with an absolutely terrible computer, and a nightmarish introduction to windows vista, I did something extreme.  I bought a Macbook pro.  Best.  Technology decision.  Ever.   While the windows computers were always cheaper, I found myself doing re-installs and restores every 6-7 months as my computer would inevitably get bogged down trying to do everyday activities.  I’ve had this laptop for almost the same amount of time, and I’ve had no problems.  While life in Korea requires me to use windows xp, that hasn’t been a problem, my mac can run it like a program with vmware.  This means I can still do my internet banking, and book bus or train tickets because Korean companies refuse to work with anything but internet frikkn explorer (they actually seem to like using internet explorer 6 the most!).

So like a lot of other people, I was patiently waiting for this weeks ‘back to mac’ event.  In particular I was hoping to some big upgrades to apples iweb program.  Unfortunately there was nothing.  A bitter disappoint.  Iweb is the reason I started hosting my own website.  It has a core set of features that are great, but it’s severely lacking in a few key areas, having access to your blog from any computer being a big one.  Although I’m using wordpress, my plan was to import everything into iweb and build a shiny pretty site from over there.  And I’ve held off from doing that because I thought the newer iweb was just around the corner.  That’s why there is a ‘newfie story’ (what will someday be the full website) and a ‘newfie blog’ (a refuge where I can keep my blog going in the meantime).  As things stand now, it’ll likely be sometime next year before I even begin to consider tinkering with the website layout.   In the meantime I’ll be job-hunting for a university position and working on my first academic paper since 2003!