Category: Goals and Dreams

Big News

Big News

There’s two things,

  1. I now have my very own website and have moved over to wordpress!
  2. I got my acceptance into Grad School for a distance Masters!

(Regarding number one)  This has been a long time coming.  Since I got the macbook I’ve been tinkering with iweb and I was impressed with how nice the templates were and how easy it was to make a webpage with it.  iweb allows  you to be very precise with text and media placement without drowning in html code.  This begs the question, why have I moved over to word-press?  The answer to that question is that right now, iweb is still a little too limited for my liking.  In particular I’d like it if they played more nicely with non-apple web-hosts.  Search and comment functionality is possible, but at the time of this writing, only through work-arounds which detracts from the ease of use.  Also I wanted to be able to blog from anywhere and at anytime.   After a bunch of research and reading, I settled on the idea of using word-press and iweb together.  So at this point I am using iweb to format my pictures and some html code for to make things look more tidy.  It’s the best of both worlds.    I could have stayed on blogger, but I want to expand the blog into a full website, so eventually the ‘blatch’ and ‘korea cooking’ entries will get there own page.  There will also be a guide for hiking in Korea, but all these things take time so patience is a must.

(Regarding number two)  Starting in April I’ll be studying for a Masters in TESOL.  This is a really really big deal, and to be honest I’m quite nervous about it.   I haven’t officially been a student for a long time, and by the time this program is finished I’ll be almost 37 years old.  That’s a scary number.  It’s better to start late than not at all I suppose.  I’d like to thank my parents without whom I wouldn’t have gotten this far, it took a long time to get my degree and it wouldn’t have happened without their support.  I actually went to school twice, I had to many distractions the first time and dropped out for a couple of years.

The second time around I lost my funding with just 6 courses remaining.  My parents allowed me to come home for half the year and  I was able to live with them and find the work that paid for my schooling.  I’d work days and study nights, saving enough money to fund the second half of the year when I would live close to campus.  This went on for three years, (one course in the fall and one in the winter).  Anyways, had they not supported like that I wouldn’t be here now. So to Mom and Dad, you have my eternal gratitude.  I wouldn’t be here today without you.

I should also say thanks to K for her support, and for coming here with me.  Korea wouldn’t be the same with her by my side.  Although we squabble over little things like the bean restaurant next door, when I truly want something she’s there with me and supports me.  To K, thank you, I love you.