Category: Goals and Dreams

Preparations for a New Year…

Preparations for a New Year…

Another year is in the books. With lunar new year coming it’s time for reflection.  To review, my old goals (from summer resolutions):

1. Continue learning Korean (I must finish my pc programs and all my texts, this should be done before number 4)
2. Visit the remaining National parks that I haven’t yet seen.
3. Get in shape (200 pounds again –> 170 pounds is where I’d like to be!!)
4. Road trip (to be done on vacation – drive around the country on bike).
5. Learn Gostop (Korean card game).
So how did I fair?  
I am still learning Korean and have not yet finished my tasks in this area.  Although I have finished one of the pc programs (one to go), and I did finish my two books.  Since then I have bought three more which I am still working on.  All in all, I’m very pleased with myself on this one.
I haven’t gotten to all of the national parks… yet.  Actually I have only two left to visit.  
I was exercising regularly but pretty much stopped everything for almost two months because of the accident.  I’ve been exercising again since Christmas, and now I am in better shape, but I still have a long way to go.
The road trip was a smashing success.  I pretty much travelled the coast from Taehan to the DMZ observatory in the North-east.  It was amazing, an experience I’ll never forget.
I did in fact learn go-stop.  Crazy addictive fun game!  download it for face book if you’re on a windows pc, the website tutorial was the most helpful way to learn.
Overall, I’d give myself a B, I’ve left some things unfinished but made pretty good progress.  So in advance of lunar new year I thought it would be good to come up with a few more goals to accomplish this year.
  1. Learn a Korean martial art.  I don’t know which one yet, but I’m sure to write endlessly about it once I make up my mind.
  2. More home cooking. At least once a month come up with a new recipe.
  3. Get in and stay in shape, I would like to reach 170 lbs by summer vacation.
  4. Start doing yoga again.  I was going 3 times per week but stopped after a couple of months.
  5. Finish my Korean books and programs.
There it is.  I’ll re-visit the list during summer vacation next year to see how I did.