Category: Goals and Dreams

Public display of Affection

Public display of Affection

I’m pretty much settled into the new job and I have to say so far I am really loving it at public school. I was nervous when I found out that I would be at middle school but so far everything is quite good. My paycheck for March was in full and on time and my co-workers have all been really great. Most of my students are pretty low-level as I’m teaching in a school that I would say straddles the city limits border, but they seem really enthusiastic and a pleasure to se in the classroom. March has been a pretty busy month since it started off with some extra teacher training but some of the sessions were actually pretty useful. It’s nice to be in a place where I can get feedback about what I’m doing well and not-so-well (there’s actually been a lot more of the former and only a little of the later so far). I’m excited about the prospect of what this year will hold.