Category: Goals and Dreams

Free Time Resolutions

Free Time Resolutions

It’s been a while since I’ve made regular blogs, but once again here I am typing away late at night.  With the blog connected to facebook I could type more often but it would seem I’ve settled into a lazy rut.  I’ve recently completed 2 years in Korea… Here’s where things are right now.

I’ve been to Japan and China twice.   The travelling has been great.   I’ve learned to speak a little Korean.  I am not studying regularly anymore,  but I pick up the book when I get a chance.    Instead of another contract, I am taking a course to get a certification for teaching English. It’s a part time course, so the workload is spread out really well and it’s not too stressful. Once completed, a CELTA will allow me to work globally in this field.  Meanwhile, the time off has been so good.  I found myself increasing wound-up over the last year, and unwinding is great.  I wasn’t nearly as social in my second year as I was in my first, and it’s really nice to get out and see people now that I have the free time to do so.
I used to make summer resolutions when I was in University, just a set of goals that generally I don’t follow through on.  In keeping with this tradition, I’ve modified it a little, the spirit is the same although the name is changed, here’s my free time resolutions:
2. Get in shape (I’m damn near 200 again, gonna aim to get back to 170).
3. Finish my Korean textbooks (3 books).
That’s it, only three goals, my hope is that for the first time ever, I can accomplish all my set out resolutions.  So I’m trying to be smart, rather than load up on stuff, I will focus on 3 (or maybe 4) things I think are important.  My due date for these is December 31st, at which time I’ll do some traditional new year’s resolutions.