Category: Goals and Dreams

Return of Blogger

Return of Blogger

Plenty has changed over the last month. K is back now for one. I spend most of my time over at her place. I still love living in Korea but truthfully my job is taking it’s toll on me. My second year has been a disappoint for the most part. I’m busier at work and have been fairly unhappy with my job this year. My relationship with management was damaged early into my second contract and although things are well enough now, I don’t look at my work the same way anymore. I won’t go into details but I will say I’ve been treated with little regard and it really has pissed me off at times. It’s been better since January (my boss and I had it out in December so we had a sit down and I explained my feelings and she explained hers). I’m thankful to have some good coworkers.

That being said I think I am still performing my job at a high level, I generally come in 1.5 – 2 hours early, I do my marking quickly and I’ve been pretty good with most of my classes. Outside of work I’ve been learning Yoga, taking cooking classes, and this past weekend I went hiking. Spring is in full bloom here now, so I think I’ll be hiking a lot more in the near future, Cherry blossoms are going to be in bloom and I am really looking forward to getting out with my camera and getting some nice shots. All in all I guess my glass is finally becoming half full again.