Category: Goals and Dreams

Summer Resolutions

Summer Resolutions

June 18th: My little sister visited this week and surprised me with a graduation gift… A Nintendo DS!!! Awesome!! Very nice and VERY unexpected. It’s been fun going to school with you and hanging out over these past two years. Thanks Sis.

Well another summer is approaching. For those who aren’t aware, for the last few years I’ve attempted Summer Resolutions. It’s the same Idea as New Year’s thing. And generally resolutions taken at summer work out the same as those taken during the more traditional time. That is, you try for a few weeks, then everything else goes back to normal pre-Resolution mode. Here’s the lineup:

  • Get in shape: Try to get back to ~175 pounds
  • Languages: Finish spanish and Japanese, also learn some Korean (I may be teaching ESL in Korea for a year).
  • Books: Read books listed on my space.
  • Food: Give up the pop/Gummy Candies and Bars!!

At the end of August I’ll address this entry and see how I did. Maybe this year will be the year I accomplish everything (or at least something) from the list.