
Four-Citrus Scallops Ceviche with Cucumber
Since going back to work, I’ve slowed down on the cooking front, and the blogging front. Luckily I am still on pace to reach the goals I set out for myself this year. Most recently I cooked a scallop ceviché from a recipe I found in ‘The Great Ceviche Book’. I was out with D ...

Chicken and Broccoli Bake
This recipe came from my first stint in Doha. I was living alone at the time and looking for cookbooks that featured quick and easy recipes. After a quick google search I came across ‘The healthy College cookbook’ and ‘Cooking for One’. I used I never got around to using ‘Cooking for One’ the book ...

Gorgonzola Mashed Potatoes
I learned of Rocco DiSpirito from an episode of Extreme Weight Loss, a show K and I used to watch a lot together during my summer trips back to Canada when I was on vacation from the college. We both enjoyed the show a lot. Despite the show’s title, it was really more about the ...

Pan-Seared Steak with Mustard Cream Sauce, Sweet Potato Fries, and Creamed Spinach
I’ve used my vacation this year to focus on the cooking aspect of my goals for 2018. So far it’s worked out pretty well. I’ve cooked 11 different recipes from 7 different books. This particular recipe comes from Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Cookbook, which I bought during a summer trip back to Nova Scotia during ...

5 Days in Norway (Pukka Fish Soup)
RS and I went to Norway last December. The main goal of the trip was for her to see the Northern Lights, and for me to experience polar night and learn a little Norwegian cooking. Originally, we were going to visit Svalbard, however, it was the low season and there wasn’t much to do on ...

Orange French Toast
French toast is one of those meals I loved as a kid. With a generously (un)healthy portion of syrup on top, it was like getting breakfast and dessert together in a single meal. Making french toast is quite easy, and it doesn’t really require a precise recipe. A couple eggs beaten with a little milk, ...