2018 – Plans for the Year Ahead

2018 – Plans for the Year Ahead

A Few last thoughts on 2017

2017 was a year of ups and downs for me.  Professionally and personally, it started off great.  I presented at a pair of conferences, did the Abu Dhabi Triathlon again, and was enjoying the second year of my 40’s. I was quite proud of doing the triathlon again because I had been rehabbing my torn quadriceps from late November until the end of February and finish the triathlon was a ‘yes I can’ moment for me. A week later, I presented at a conference in Dubai, another little happy moment and chance to catch up with friends from the region. From there though, things have been down and up.

At this point, I have to mention that because of my work, there are things I do not write about in public forums.  A lot of this is common-sense stuff.  As a teacher, students and other staff will occasionally confide in me about issues.  I take those confidences seriously, and I am always conscious of that when I write here or when I use social media.  Companies nowadays are also aware of their online presence. While I don’t believe any of my employers here actively monitor their workforces, things posted online, especially those that are overly vitriolic, have a way of getting around. Thus, I am also careful to make sure my venting is done with friends over drinks and meals rather than online.

So with that in mind, please understand that I choose not to dwell on the negatives or criticise my current home here in Doha on this blog.  Beyond pragmatics, it is easy (for me at least) to miss out on all the good stuff if you start viewing the world through a negative filter.   One thing that I enjoy about the blog that comes out of that decision is that it makes me reflect on the good things in my life and the little victories that might otherwise be forgotten. With that in mind, here’s the plan for 2018, the year ahead.

2018 Goals


  1. Blog at least once a month, and at least 15 times overall for the year. Since the blog is cathartic for me, and since I enjoy it, I should be doing it more often.  My main readers are just my relatives and the occasional friend on social media who clicks on a post out of curiosity. I’ll never become rich or famous from this blog, but thanks to the site analytics, it’s nice to know that I’ve helped a lot of people get their motorcycle license in South Korea, and cook some tasty Korean food!
  2. Read the Maddaddam Trilogy. My younger sister and I have been doing a book exchange for the last 2 years.  I have to read something she chooses, and she has to read a selection of mine.  We then chat about our books. We did pretty well in 2016, but things stalled in 2017.  Her last assignment for me was to finish the Maddaddam trilogy, and mine for her was to read 3 of Irvine Welsh’s books; Skag Boys; Trainspotting; and Porno. This activity is a great way for each of us to exposure to things outside our own bubbles.
  3. Finish my Rosetta Stone Arabic Course. Since I’m working evening in the coming year, I will not be able to take the QU courses. I do have the Arabic course from Rosetta, so this year I may as well start from there.  If my schedule allows it next fall, I’ll take QU’s Arabic courses then.
  4. Do at least one triathlon (in a country I’ve never visited). I love triathlons, and I wish I had been doing them at a younger age.  The training schedule gets me out of the house, and there’s enough variance between the three sports that I never find it boring. The reason why I’m only doing at least one this year is that I have to do physiotherapy to sort out my right leg. The good news is my ligaments are all great. The bad news is muscle imbalances are causing me to have pain under my kneecap due to improper tracking.  So before I start training, the goal is to work with a physiotherapist to improve that situation.  It’s worth noting that I have consulted with a doctor regarding this specific goal, and have gotten their blessing. Had the doctor told me it wasn’t a wise idea, this goal would not be on the list. Abu Dhabi is out for this year due to the blockade, but I’m hopeful that by the summer time I’ll finish one.
  5. Use every book in my cookbook collection at least once. Whenever I travel to a new country, I always try to do two things during my time there. One is a cooking lesson, and the other is to buy a cookbook.  Often I come back with two books and sometimes, especially if I like the food, I’ll come back with three.  This year I intend to put the books to use, and cook at least one new thing from each book.
  6.   Get at least one article published. A holdover from last year, I started this process last year, but it stalled. Now that classes are finished, and since I’m sticking around Doha, it’s the ideal time to get back into it.
  7. Become an investor – Invest $xxx this year! I don’t live in Canada, and I’m a contract worker.  This means there are no company pension plans in my future. So, I’d say this is the crucial goal of the coming year.  I need to educate myself on investing, and I need to do it ASAP.  The obvious question is where to start, and the (maybe not so) obvious answer is Google!  I was asked once last year how I learned to use tech without formal training, and Google was the answer.  If you’re starting out at something from zero, Google is probably your best friend. I have an amount in mind, but I don’t think it would be wise to post it publicly.
  8. Get a project management certification in the first half of 2018. Because of goal number 9, I need to get this out of the way during the first half of the year.  I have noticed that a lot of administrators I have dealt with in Education are mainly experienced teachers with little management/organisational training.  While it is an advantage to know that your boss is familiar with your work context, I believe Educational programs suffer due to the lack of management knowledge and training.  I recall the difference my CELTA and my Master’s made to my own teaching practice, and I believe that similar growth curves are possible if one trains in the art of management.
  9. Start another Master’s Degree in the latter half of 2018! This is probably insanity.  My last Master’s was a miserable experience, however, with my current qualifications, I have hit my professional ceiling. I’ve been concerned for a few years now about how the supply of EFL teachers has been growing faster than the demand for them.  I’ve seen an erosion of benefits at almost every employer I’ve worked for since 2009.  This is something I’ve been considering for a while now, and I believe this is the year to get started.
  10. No Coke zero and no store-bought sweets in 2018! This year I am going to go cola-free and store-bought sweets free.  Last year my goal was be healthier and stay healthier.  This year I’ve decided to be more specific.  I will not drink ANY cola, and I will also not eat any chocolate bars or other store-bought confectionary.  Home-made deserts and sweets are still available though, but I don’t get these often enough for them to pose a problem.
    11. The Stretch Goal! This is a hidden goal that I decided against publicizing.  I will save/invest over $500 000 before I turn fifty years old. I am hopeful that this will be enough money for me to live comfortably and work less hours.