Those Who don’t Know history…

Those Who don’t Know history…

are doomed to repeat it. Those who do know history may repeat it anyway. For all the work I did during this past year to change my habits and lifestyle, October of this year saw me physically almost right back where I was last year, with many of the same bad habits that I thought I had wiped out. The doc cleared me to exercise about a week before my triathlon training started and explained my leg felt the way it did due to being weakened from injury. This was a huge relief.

So while I may look the same——same weight plus more grey hair——mentally, I have noticed a big change from this year over last. I am more assertive and confident in my pursuits. Also, as I start out this time I know that I can do this because I’ve done it before. Slipping back into a training routine so far has been easier than I thought it would be. The old habits that came roaring back after I injured my leg have quietly gone back into hiding. I intend to find some better down-time habits, things to do when I am not training that will keep those old bad habits in hiding. The good thing about the tri-preparations is that it forces me to get off the sofa and get out. It’s makes me feel like I’m using my time in Doha well and mostly I feel like it’s making me a better person as I apply the mental lessons I’ve learned to other areas of my life.

Beyond the tri-preparation my life here is pretty normal. The university I work at is really busy this year due to increased enrolment so everyone is pulling extra weight to ensure everything course-wise continues to operate smoothly for the students. I’ve got just over 50 students spread out over three different classes which means a lot of marking and different kind of prep. Large class sizes and room layouts are factors teacher’s consider when choosing activities for their students to do during class. My classes thus far have been great to work with, and while I am busier than normal, overall I must say that life is good in the sandbox.