Old Habits Never Really Die

Old Habits Never Really Die

Just over a year ago I wrote a post called Taking the First Steps. At the time I was concerned about becoming a healthier and happier person.  Looking back on the past year, I have to say it has been the most productive of my life.  I achieved most of the goals I set out for myself.  I presented at conferences, completed a triathlon.  Practiced my French and Korean and even took a couple of Arabic courses.  When I look at myself now, I must admit I am dissatisfied and frustrated with how things have gone in the past three months.

After the Abu Dhabi Triathlon, I started preparing for another triathlon which took place two weeks ago. However, I injured my leg while running in early June and I am still recovering.  Preparing for the triathlon gave my days a sense of structure and routine over here.  And now that structure and routine is gone.  So I don’t go out as much, and I am back to eating junk food and just staying inside.  I went for a walk, to Burger King (yeah… I know), with my sayang the other night and she told me ‘I miss this.’  She wasn’t talking about junk food. It was about last year, when we would go jogging and walking in Aspire park or biking at the race track.  I miss it too.  All the habits I thought I had broken were just laying dormant waiting for the right time and opportunity to reassert themselves. Perhaps old habits never really die. They just have to be buried under new habits. This year I will have to figure out what those new habits will be.