200 Posts!

200 Posts!

This is my 200th post! I’ve maintained this little blog now for over a decade. It started off as an MSN Space back when I was still in university. Then I moved it over to blogger because I wanted more control over layout and look of the site. This site was originally called ‘A Life Under Construction’. Then came ‘A Newfie in Korea’ before I settled on ‘Newfie-Story’. The rules of the blog are simple enough. Post the good things in life, the fun, the odd and the unusual. Leave the negativity off the page.

My first official post was back in 2006. It was made shortly after graduating university. So many things have changed in the last ten years. My parents are now retired to Saskatchewan; my younger sister is in Toronto, and my older remains in Nova Scotia. Many of my friends are married now and starting families of their own. Though K and I are no longer together, my social media newsfeed says she is still in Nova Scotia, enjoying life back in Canada with good people around her and a precocious little handsome cat that still photographs well.

As for me, I’m older now; there’s gray hair along my temple, and my hair is thinner. It’s the body’s long and slow march of betrayal. But that’s ok; it happens to all of us. Since the blog started, I moved from Canada to Korea to the Middle East and became a professional language teacher in the process. I finished my masters in TESOL, which was an incredibly difficult experience due to circumstances of the time. It felt like being discharged from the hospital after a bad car accident. It’s still actually hard to think about and write about, even two years later. I’m glad I got through it and thankful for my friends and loved ones who provided more support than they realize.