Back to Work, Sort of

Back to Work, Sort of

I am once again working. However I am not back in the classroom just yet. So far this week is all about getting ready for the classroom. There was another large orientation meeting on Sunday and another gift bag with stationary and obligatory mug. Today was just about smaller meetings and learning the nuts and bolts of the particularly courses that have been assigned to me. Overall I feel more comfortable about the decision to come here and work with each passing day.

When I am not working these days I am mostly inside. The heat in Doha can be downright oppressive in the summer and I believe the effect is magnified for people like myself who grew up in more northern climates. I take trips to the nearby Gate Shopping Centre to enjoy some nice coffee and do computer work when I feel like getting out for a spell. I have also been cooking again now that I have more free time. I’ve made Sundubu jjigae twice now as well as a frittata, roast chicken and a chocolate cream-style pie. Mostly I’ve been cooking the things I know. Playing the old hits. It is a good way to warm up and shake the rust off since I haven’t been cooking that much these past few years.

In addition to the cooking I am trying to get in shape again. This has been a real challenge over the past few years when my studies and work kept me inside and glued to my seat. Right now I’m taking advantage of the hotel gym. But within a couple of weeks I hope to be on the bike risking life and limb on the roads of Doha! We’ll see how things go but I am ever hopeful and always persistent.