Poor Neglected Blog

Poor Neglected Blog

Well it’s been a while.  The Kazakhstan job was an amazing experience.  I never found any January work but it is just as well.  Two days after I left Kazakhstan I was contacted by my father who told me my mother was in the hospital with some significant health problems.  I won’t go into details here but the hospital stay was almost an entire month.  She’s out now and is feeling better.   Since there was no January work to be found I re-applied for the Kazakstan job again.  Teaching English as a second/foreign language is quite a competitive field and now that the word is out on the Kazakhstan gig there are a lot of people going after it.  I’m happy to say that I made a good name for myself and that I will be going back again to teach another short term contract there.   I am already looking ahead to next year and securing work for September.  I’ll be visiting three job fairs in the next month.  Two in the Middle East and one in Toronto.  I’ll be more active on the blog again as well.  The entire site needs something of a makeover and I figure this is probably the best time to develop some skills in this area.