Endless Summer Vacation

Endless Summer Vacation

While many of my friends have returned to the desert to continue their work I find myself in an airport again, waiting for a flight and continuing my vacation. I was offered a job in the UAE back on August with HCT, a chain of colleges. It was an alright job but I turned it down and rolled the dice on another job that I was up for. I’m happy to say that I got the Kazakhstan job. I turned down the HCT job for a number of reasons, the contract was three years and I felt like given a little more time I could find a better job in terms of pay/accommodation and benefits. The Kazakhstan job also allowed me to extend my vacation and see my folks here in Saskatchewan, and drop in on friends in Newfoundland. I’m quite stoked for this job. It turns out that a few of my friends also got the same job, which means that life both in and out of the office and classroom is going to be awesome! The job also finishes up in mid December and that means I’ll have a shot at the uni jobs that are coming up for January.