In Between The Spaces

In Between The Spaces

Plenty has happened since I wrote in June. Got another contract and after a nice break and I’m now back in the sandbox as people like to call it over here. I finished my sixth paper, just got the grade back and I passed. I am now officially into my dissertation.

There’s something like 150+ new people coming to my college, I met a few of them yesterday and it’s quite nice to be in the presence of shiny happy teachers. I got to watch one of last years new teachers showing a shiny one some stuff on computer and I recalled how last year it was me doing the same when he was shiny. The kids grow up so fast. For me right now things are a bit in flux. I had an interview yesterday for a different position (tutoring) at the college. And on Sunday I’ll be interviewing for an assessment job, which is the one I really want. If I don’t make the cut for those jobs, I’ll be teaching again, but this year it looks like I’ll be working with pre-intermediate students – for the first time since I left Korea.

I’m still a little jet-lagged from from the flights over, but slowly my body is coming to grips with the new time zone. It’ been good to see old faces and new, Time away has been good for the soul. I feel good and recharged. ‘Blissful Indifference’ is the theme for the year ahead. That doesn’t mean indifference to the job itself, but rather the things that come up and distract along the way.